3 Leadership lessons learned during this pandemic

#Leadership Crispin Nkya MBA/Finance student Everybody is not Alright.. You need to talk to your people in a personal level (A simple call may change someone’s day). Clear, concise, and consistent Communication is vital… Since you are not in the same building clarity is key. Humanistic leadership plays a huge part to success… Try toContinue reading “3 Leadership lessons learned during this pandemic”

4 Vital Statements All Business Owners Need to Understand

Crispin Nkya MBA/ Finance student Business Analysis Starting and or maintaining a business is not for the fainted of heart. There are hundreds even thousands of businesses getting started globally on a daily basis, BUT the differences between success and failure all things considered, may depend on the business owners’ understanding of the 4 main statements;Continue reading “4 Vital Statements All Business Owners Need to Understand”